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Our students shine at the Alumnit@s competition

With imagination, dedication and great talent, our students participated in the Alumnit@s contest - a national short story contest involving educational institutions from all over Argentina. Supported by numerous companies and media, this contest recognizes the creative achievements of young writers.

For our foundation , three groups presented their stories , each with a unique narrative:

📖 Benjamin Claros (11) with La leyenda de la Cruz del Sur

📖 Guadalupe Mansilla (14), Nicole Romero (11) and Maitena Frutos (13) with El duende y el hombre lobo

📖 Edén Delgado (12) with La casa del infierno

A special highlight was Benjamin’s story “La leyenda de la Cruz del Sur” .

The Legend of the Southern Cross (La leyenda de la Cruz del Sur)

by Benjamín Claros (11)

Once upon a time there was a sailor named Demian who wanted to travel to Argentina. But on his journey he got caught in a violent storm. When the storm finally passed, he looked up to the sky and asked the god of the stars to help him on his journey.

But the god first wanted to test whether Demian really deserved his help. So he thought up a test: while Demian was sleeping, he let an injured whale drift through the sea.

In the middle of the night, the ship suddenly felt a gentle impact. Demian rushed to the deck, jumped into a boat and rowed out. There he discovered the injured whale. He spoke gently to it:

"Everything will be fine."

He carefully pulled a harpoon spear out of the whale's side, treated the wound and helped the whale swim back to the open sea.

As he climbed back onto his ship, it suddenly began to shake. High above the clouds, the god of the stars appeared and spoke to him:

“I saw your kindness and decided to help you.”

Then he created a new constellation : a row of four bright stars, one of which pointed particularly far downwards.

“Look at the longest point four times,” said the god, “it will always lead you south.”

And so the Southern Cross was created, which has since shown the way to all travelers. ✨

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